Mixed faith marriages should be banned in Sikh temples

The Rehat Maryada is unequivocal in its guidance: the Anand Karaj is strictly a ceremony for a Sikh couple. “Nothing has happened on this level before,” were among the words used to describe troubling events at a Sikh temple in Leamington Spa over the weekend. The normal serene ambience of…

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Does Atheism Matter?

We all have a choice to believe that there is someone called God who created us intentionally or there is no such thing as God. While a majority of humanity believes in an active God of the universe, nearly 10% of the humanity does not believe that there is something…

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Rabbis should say yes to officiating at interfaith weddings

(JTA) — Newsflash: “A rabbi under the huppah may boost Jewish engagement in intermarried homes,” according to a study released this past month by the Brandeis University Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies. That’s welcome new data but no news for us, two New York-area rabbis trained at the Jewish Theological Seminary…

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Jewish Muslim Relationship

December 11, 2016, Washington, DC — The 3rd Annual Summit of Rabbis and Imams was held today at Tifereth Israel Congregation in Washington, DC. The theme of the summit was standing up for each other and building enduring relationships to contribute towards the cohesiveness of America, an America where no…

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America Will Always Be A Great Nation

On Sunday, December 18, 2016; a model for a cohesive America was unveiled with a handful of volunteers at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC, the nation’s capitol. Eventually this model can become an anti-dote to prejudices against people of different faiths, races, cultures and ethnicities. A few pictures…

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NAbeel Ahmar

NAbeel is an SEO and Digital marketing expert.